Thursday, April 28, 2016

DIY: rainbow chairs

My sweet grandmother-in-law(?) snagged these chairs for me at an estate sale for about $5 a piece.  I loved the design of the chair, but not necessarily the color.  Our rental house is white, and the wood on our porch is a (faded) light blue color, so I knew I wanted to paint them a color.  Because I couldn't decide on just one color, I decided to paint them rainbow, naturally.  I absolutely love the way they turned out!



They were super easy to make.  I didn't have to sand them or anything.  I used cheap, acrylic paint from Walmart and sealed them with Modge Podge when it was dry. I have had them for over a year now, and they are still in good condition. I actually had a yard sale recently and people were trying to buy them from me! They add such a pop of color to my porch!

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